Monday, October 8, 2007

Flying High

Fall is in the air here in Minnesota.  It's starting to cool down here.  We are a good way into Fall semester at the U of M.  Rob is doing great with his classes, even with his 2 huge distractions (me and Brielle).  We like when he tries to come home to study, but he rarely gets any of that done with a cute little baby here who has taken a liking to flying...

Brielle has also stopped accepting the baby hold.  She squirms and squirms until we hold her up or face her outwards so she can see everything.  It's cute the way she stares at everything with such curiosity.  Even when I'm using the computer, she doesn't just want to lay down on the couch, she has to be able to sit up.  

We love our little, well chunky, bundle. She is so fun, and we love reading her stories. She looks so intently at the pictures on the books.

Isn't she just the cutest mini sumo wrestler ever? We love her ever accumulating rolls!


Anna said...

oh my goodness she is a rollie pollie girl!!! She is so cute. I can't believe I haven't even met her yet.

Jordan said...

Oh yes she is soo cute!

Ange said...

She IS darling!